Chiropractic For Scoliosis

Chiropractic Care can aid in finding relief from scoliosis pain and discomfort.



Introductory rate includes:

  • Consultation
  • Exam
  • Adjustment

Understanding scoliosis and how it could assist with routine chiropractic treatment.

What is scoliosis like?

Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine that is sideways. While this may sound uncommon, scoliosis affects almost 3% of the population, with more than 7 million individuals in total. For those 7 million, the quality of life can be reduced, and because of pain, decreased respiratory function or decreased self-esteem, participation in activities or sports can be limited.                                                                                               

Most scoliosis cases occur just before puberty, causing potential deformities during the growth spurt. Cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy can also be other causes. To date, physicians do not know what causes scoliosis, although hereditary factors appear to be involved. While there is also no clear cure for scoliosis patients, there may be ways to provide relief and improve the quality of life.


How does Scoliosis Benefit Patients with Chiropractic Care?                                                                                               

Chiropractic therapy can be a wonderful way to monitor and alleviate scoliosis-induced pain and irritation. Routine chiropractic care offers scoliosis therapy to patients who are a convenient, non-invasive, non-addictive alternative to prescription or over-the-counter pain drugs (OTCs), which are widely used to help patients relieve their pain.                                               

A gentle, non-invasive, non-addictive treatment, known as chiropractic correction, is offered by chiropractors. In an attempt to minimize pain and enhance the function of both the injured joint and the nervous system, chiropractic changes reduce joint restrictions or misalignments in the spine and other joints in the body. Your body has the potential to help control symptoms caused by scoliosis by increasing joint stability and strengthening the nervous system function and spinal health.                                                                                                

Many of the health advantages that chiropractic treatment and chiropractic changes can bring to people with scoliosis as below:

  • Decreased pain and discomfort
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Increased motion spectrum
  • Increased versatility
  • Higher exercise and lifestyle